Batch Totals

When there are only Payments in a batch, the totals are the sum of the payments. This makes it easy to reconcile the batch with the deposit slip (and there are no other alternatives).

If there are transactions other than Invoices or Payments in a batch, the batch total becomes a hash total, that is, the sum of all transactions. This is done automatically by the application.

Why?... netFORUM can no longer easily identify the transactions that are related to a deposit slip. For example - credits can be created through cancellation of a paid invoice, by the overpayment of an invoice, or they may simply be a credit offered by the association to a customer - debiting an expense or revenue account instead of cash. The use of hash totals is common in other accounting packages.


  • Proforma invoices should be put in a separate batch.
  • Where possible, try to match a batch to a deposit slip; that is, include all payments from a deposit in one batch. Creating a separate batch for each payment method may be helpful - particularly if your association has multiple cash accounts.
  • Put exception transactions (cancellations, refunds, write offs, and so on) in separate batches. This makes it easier to reconcile based on the batch totals.
  • If a batch contains transactions other than invoices or payments, use the amount of the debit to the cash account on the batch report to reconcile to a deposit slip.

Tip: If you wish to calculate batch totals differently, a database Stored Procedure (SP) may be written with the SP name added to the BatchTotalOverrideSP system option.